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Dog's Name*: Pupcake & Studmuffin Age*: Shitzhu & Maltipoo Markings*: 2 yrs & 5 months. Other ID*: Black and white / How to Find Your Lost Dog By the time you are reading this article, most likely you have been looking for your lost pet Provides descriptions and photos of lost and found dogs. Covers Austin, Dallas, Galveston, Houston, Portland, San Local animal control agencies: To locate your missing dog, the first place to check is with local animal control agencies. Thank you for visiting the Lost Dogs page. Below is a listing of lost dogs reported by their guardians. If you have found a Thank you everyone :) NOTE: We are leaving this page running to be used by others who have lost their dogs. Please 1 in 3 pets goes missing during its lifetime, and without proper ID, 90% never return home. A microchip for dogs & cats
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